military decision-making

美 [ˈmɪləteri dɪˈsɪʒn ˈmeɪkɪŋ]英 [ˈmɪlətri dɪˈsɪʒn ˈmeɪkɪŋ]
  • 军事决策
military decision-makingmilitary decision-making
  1. The Vicissitude of the Military Decision-Making Process 's and It 's Analysis


  2. Realization Method for Evaluating Military Decision-making Scheme by Counter-simulation Means


  3. Incident launched time and the northern Shaanxi military decision-making related research .


  4. With the world entering into an information era , information has become an important basis for military decision-making .


  5. On the basis of analyzing the primary characteristics of military decision-making issues , the paper puts forward an idea of integrative modeling .


  6. Operation scheme evaluation is an important part in military decision-making . The conclusion of the evaluation affects directly the result of military decision-making .


  7. The military decision-making is a kind of multilevel decision making , which involves multilevel planers with different , and sometimes conflicting , objective functions .


  8. The method is not restricted in the space operation models , and it also suits the general operational models , and it has significance in evaluating the operational data , military decision-making and etc.


  9. It is an urgent problem in military assistant decision-making to enhance the scientificity and reliability of operation scheme evaluation .


  10. In this paper , according to the traits of military risks decision-making , the authors put forward a general PD-utility function based on the partial distribution () .


  11. Study and Application of the Information System for Military Health Subsidiary Decision-making


  12. The simulation result reflects the inherent relation among the practical demands on aviation ammunitions and other external factors and is of profound military significance in supply decision-making of aviation ammunitions in war .


  13. War game , as a tool of combat simulation , has experienced many examinations in modern and recent modern times . It can authentically simulate the combat process in all respects , and provide military commanding with optimized decision-making scheme .


  14. Military plotting is an indispensable tool in military command decision-making of the war .


  15. In-depth study of military affairs under the military government workers , military affairs decision-making , administrative methods , changes in administrative organization , management revealed the electronic mode of military affairs on the important influence of the military .


  16. If operational efficiency of materiel facility being estimated wrongly , assessment and analysis of military might will be wrong , and it can lead to wrong military decision-making and other serious consequence .


  17. Military planning is one of the most important steps in the whole process of military decision-making and commanding .


  18. By using the PD-utility function , a decision maker 's attitude to military risks can be sufficiently reflected , and all the expected average income , the expected average profit and the corresponding risk can be estimated . The methods of military risks decision-making are given on PD-utility .
